Welcome to Trilogy Tennis!
The purpose of the tennis club is to promote the game and its healthy lifestyle, provide opportunities to learn and play the game at all levels, and provide a playing environment that is friendly and safe.
We are very excited about and proud of the new, first-class courts and associated facilities that the community has provided for us, and invite any and all residents interested in playing the game to visit the facilities and join the club.
Playing opportunities during peak season include daily group open-play, weekly men’s and women’s leagues, outside league play, and frequent in-house social and inter-community tournament play. Of course, reserved pickup matches are available year round.
Finally, professional instruction is also available for a nominal fee.
Please refer to the club website at
trilogyprtc.com for the latest community tennis news and information on social activities, tournaments, and special club events. Also, if interested in membership, just click the membership tab on the home page, complete the membership form, and submit. If you have any questions, reach out to the membership director listed on the membership page.
“Tennis… adds Years to Your Life and Life to Your Years!”